Timperley Health Centre, 169 Grove Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, WA15 6PH
Telephone: 0161 903 9010
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Please click the link below for a comprehensive travel advice leaflet:
Please click below to download our Pre-Travel Questionnaire:
Travel vaccine information
If you are travelling abroad and you think you may need Vaccinations, please call in the surgery to pick up a travel pack and make an appointment with the nurse, the form needs to be filled in and brought back to the surgery 4 weeks before you fly.
Hepatitis B vaccinations are no longer free on the NHS we can still give you these Vaccinations if needed but there will be a £20 charge per Vaccine.
There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below
Europe & Russia | North America |
Central America | South America |
Caribbean | Africa |
Middle East | Central Asia |
East Asia | Australasia and Pacific |
It is important to make this initial enquiry as early as possible to ensure adequate protection. Some courses of travel vaccinations can take up to six weeks to complete the full course.
Some travel vaccines have to be ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.
Some Countries require a Yellow Fever Vaccination we do not give this at our Practice, below are some places you can receive the Yellow Fever Vaccination and the link below has a list of Countries that require Yellow Fever.
Places that give Yellow Fever vaccine:
Dr Westwoods Surgery 0161 980 3751
Well Travel Clinics (WTC) manchester Boland MC Wythenshawe 0161 998 2014
Surrey Lodge Manchester 0161 224 4736
Malchoms Chemist 01617472277
Superdrug Manchester 0161 839 2751, 834 6091,
STA Travel manchester 0161 312 2267