The Village Surgery

Timperley Health Centre, 169 Grove Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, WA15 6PH

Telephone: 0161 903 9010

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Private Work Fees

Dear patient,

Did you know that under the NHS terms of services, GP practices are NOT required to provide the following services.   It is left for the individual GP Practices to decide whether they will do them or not.  If they agree, these services are chargeable, and the fees detailed below will be applied.

For simple things which require a few notes and a signature, you may be wondering why some of the charges look a little high.   Please remember – you are not paying for the simplicity but for the responsibility that the signature carries.  We also feel these fees are entirely reasonable – simple certificates issued by solicitors and other professional organisations often charge a lot more.   And doctors prefer to spend their time on making your health better than filling forms.

Use the link below to download a copy of the fees form:

private work fees – Village Surgery, Timperley

Before you request anything…

The Village Surgery’s fee for doing these things are detailed below.   However, you must obey three rules before we will do them.

  1. Patients are expected to pay FIRST for any of these before they are done.

No report will be done nor released until the fee has been paid first.   This is necessary because the practice has several letters done every year which patients have not collected, nor paid for, but has involved a lot of our GP time doing them.

  1. Please do not book an appointment with the doctor to request any of the items below.

Instead, contact one of our reception staff who will organise it all for you.

  1. You need to sign a consent form

For any letter or form: you must ensure that you must sign a consent form to enable us to release medical information about you.



Private sick/fit note                                       £30   (including if return to work note required)

Fitness to travel                                              £40

Freedom from infection certificate            £40

Holiday cancellation certificate                  £50;  if examination required £120

Firearms certificate                                       £30

Bus pass form                                                 £25

Photograph endorsement                            £25

Any other certificate                                      £40

Any other certificate that requires an examination or review of medical notes will attract an ADDITIONAL fee of £40

Duplicate certificates                                     £10


Letters confirming address/registration £20 per person

Health club report that person is fit          £40

Support letters                                                £35    (e.g. blue badge)

Schools/Colleges/Universities                    £30

Employment report                                       £40  (if short), £80 (if medium), £120 (if long and detailed)

To Whom It May Concern letters               £30 if short (one paragraph). £40 if long (>1 paragraph);

additional £10 for urgent requests

Other forms taking >20 mins                       £80, if very detailed £130

Referral to Private Doctor                             £25   (only that which we would not normally refer if on NHS)


Private Medical Insurance Form                £130 i.e. the application form, not the claim form

Accident/Sickness Claim form                    £40 (1 page form)

(e.g. for private medical insurance)          £80 (2 page form)

£100 (3 page form)

£130 (if examination requested too)

Employer requesting opinion/report        £50 (no examination), £150 (with examination)

Pharmaceutical trials report                       £130

OFSTED child minder health form           £90

Proforma for gender recognition               £80

Power of Attorney/Court of Protection    £130 if in practice   £180 if at home

Capacity Assessment Solicitor Request    £130 if in practice   £180 if at home


eGPR  we charge £95.    For those solicitors who say they pay less, write back and say “Our fee is £95 and we will only do it for this figure”.


Taxi Driver Medical                                     £120

HGV/LGV medical                                       £120

Adoption Medical                                         £120

Elderly driver fitness certificate                £100 (includes full medical, with examination)

Pre-employment medical with report      £150

Seat belt exemption with full medical      £150

CICA                                                                £50

PIP                                                                   £33.50


Private vaccinations – we do not offer this service.

Private blood tests – we do not offer this service.


For those patients who are visiting the UK and whose home country does not have a reciprocal health care agreement with the UK.

GP Consultation                                             £50 (10 mins), £25 for every 5 mins thereafter

Telephone consultation                                £25  (max 15 mins)

Prescription                                                     £25

Home Visit                                                       £100 (remember, additional charges if prescription or further tests required)

Blood test appointment                                we do not offer this service

Referral letter                                                   £25


 More complex forms may be charged at a higher rate based on the time taken to complete and process the form

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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